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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Adapt and Overcome"

This post is in honor of my good friend Jenna and one of her mantras that has and will forever stick with me.

"Adapt and overcome."

I had one of those days today. I woke up Abishai early to get him on the potty, got the kids all dressed, fed and watered and rushed out the door to get to bible study. I was mentally ticking off my massive todo list for the day, culminating in picking Chris up from the airport and going to small group.

But as I turned the key in the ignition I heard nothing, and then the dreaded clicking... Dead. The van was dead. I called Chris, who, surprise surprise, could do very little to help 500 miles away. I knocked next door, no answer. I consoled Anibel who was in tears over the car breaking...and then proceeded to have my own little tear fest. To which my ever so sympathetic son asked, "Mom, why you crying?"

But through it all I had these words resonating in my mind. "Adapt and overcome." It might be the end of my todo list, but it is not the end of my world. And if I didn't let it- it didn't have to spell the end of my day. So, in dysfunctional style, I scrapped my list, and headed to the plant nursery. Where I loaded up one dogwood bush, a bunch of pansy's, and 3 cubic feet of compost next to Ezzie in the double jogger. I left the nursery employees asking where I lived (hopefully close) and wishing me well for my journey home.

But we made it. I took a little frustration out by ripping out the dead bushes in front of the house and replanting the flower bed. The kids had a blast "helping" and getting all sorts of dirty. And we had a successful and fun day.

As an aside, I was blessed by my friend Jessica stopping by and helping me jump the car. So all in all? It was a day adapted to... and overcome. I need to remember this more often.

1 comment:

  1. Today was an "Adapt and Overcome" day for me.... ugh... :-) Overcoming....
